המסמך לעיל נכתב עבור לקוח עימו אני עובד בימים אלו והוא מהווה הצעה לתוכנית בנושא Lead nurturing.
בניתוח שנעשה הסתבר שהחברה מפסידה לא מעט עסקאות מכיוון שאנשי המכירות מתמקדים אך ורק בעסקאות שיכולות להתממש בטווח הקצר ומזניחים לקוחות שזקוקים לזמן הבשלה ארוך יחסית עד לביצוע העסקה.
לקוחות אלו נעלמים מהרדר של החברה
המסמך להלן מציע דרך אפקטיבית לטיפול זול יחסית בלקוחות אלו תוך תרומה להבשלתם.
התוכנית מתבססת על סדרה של מסמכים אשר בעזרתם אנו שומרים על קשר עם הלקוח ומספקים לו מידע אוביקטיבי הדרוש לו לצורך אימוץ מוצר כשלנו.
This document is based on analysis and discussion done by A. and me in order to push forward our sales effort.
XYZ and our representatives in ROW carry out various lead generation initiatives; as such we think that a complimentary lead nurturing program is mandatory.
Leads nurturing convert inquiries into qualified leads.
Lead generation initiates and preserve dialogue with the right people in the right companies in the quest for opportunities that are relatively imminent.
Lead nurturing on the other hand, keeps the conversation going over time, building relationship and allowing the creation of interest in our products.
The justification
Let’s assume a certain lead generation initiative produce 100 inquiries a month, 10 out of them are sales ready and we will win 3 deals within 6 months.
The reality in sales organizations is that they will focus on the 10 “sales ready” opportunities and overlook most of the others. (A. and I have just detected such an opportunity in Hungary last week)
The lead nurturing process goal is to look out for the rest 90 inquiries. Let’s assume that 30 out of the 90 will close a deal within a year and we will win 30% meaning 9 deals. The bottom line is that the nurturing process can generate many opportunities for us.
How to execute the nurturing process?
A lead nurturing program should meet head-on the FAD syndrome (fear, uncertainty and doubt of decision makers that do not know us) and respond to them.
When designing the program we asked the following questions:
• Who do I want to nurture (vertical, organization, position)?
• What problems does the prospect need to overcome?
• What message do I want to communicate?
• What is the best way to deliver the message?
• What action do I want the prospect to take?
• How often should I be in contact?
After answering these questions A. and me, bearing in mind our organizational limitations suggest the following series of steps:
Relevance is the key.
Initial contact – introductory phone call asking his permit to send him some educational content.
Month 1 – send a general document describing the advantages of using a system like ours
Month 2 – send a document how a system can add explicit value to him (according to his position – COO, CFO..) in his specific vertical (manufacturing, automotive…)
Month 3 – send an interview with a client in his vertical preferably with similar characteristics, followed by a phone call
Month 4 – send a detailed case study based on client from his vertical
Month 5 – send an article written by an objective thought leader in our field (analyst, blogger…)
Month 6 – send ROI analysis followed by a phone call
During the 6 months program when we conduct a phone call we should assess the prospect position in the purchase cycle, ask him if he would like a demo / needs analysis and whether budget was allocated.
Based on the information we will receive we may adapt our next steps.
מיכאל גלי